Install docker on Raspberry Pi

This is how I installed docker on Raspberry pi 5. First of all, before anything, I’d get a SD card with a sd usb adapter connected to my computer which I would install the installer which can be found over here. Then choose the Raspberry Pi OS. Choose to have SSH for your configure and remember your name for your Raspberry machine, username and password.

When we got our OS installed, connect it with Putty for example. Then in Putty connect to raspberrypi.local (if that is the name you gave). Then, update all your packages with:

  • sudo apt update
  • sudo apt upgrade

Then, install docker simply with

  • curl -sSL | sh

Then add your pi user to the docker group so you can access Docker fully.

  • sudo usermod -aG docker pi

Since we made changes to our current user, we need to logout & login again.

  • logout

Then type

  • groups

To see if the Docker group exist.

Then I had to actually do a reboot to get dockers deamon (dockerd) to work properly.

  • sudo reboot

Now let’s see if docker is working by connecting to the pi again then run,

  • docker run hello-world

Seems to be working!

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